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- Actes and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuersall historie of the same. Volume 2.
- Actes and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuersall historie of the same. Volume 3.
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nuper accuratissime castigatu [m], perpulcrisq[ue] caracteribus impressum officia omnium sanctorum totaliter ad lo[n]gum (quod celebrantibus maxime erit vtilitati) contine[n]s cu[m] pluribus officiis nouis i[n] fine additis
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- Literary and Biographical History, or Bibliographical Dictionary, of the English Catholics: from the breach with Rome, in 1534, to the present time. Volume 3 (Graham to Kemble).
- Literary and Biographical History, or Bibliographical Dictionary, of the English Catholics: from the breach with Rome, in 1534, to the present time. Volume 4 (Kemeys to Metham).
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